The Fermentation of Olives: A Comprehensive Guide


Olives have been a cornerstone of Mediterranean diets for centuries. These small, bitter fruits are transformed into flavorful, nutritious foods through a process called fermentation, which alters their flavor, texture, and nutritional profile. Fermentation involves the biochemical breakdown of sugars by bacteria and yeast, resulting in the formation of lactic acid, alcohol, and other organic compounds. For olives, the fermentation process is a critical step in removing bitterness and enhancing flavor. The following article delves into the types of fermentation used for olives, the chemical reactions that occur, and the role of microorganisms such as Lactobacillus in the process.

1. Overview of Olive Fermentation

Olive fermentation can be defined as a controlled microbial process where olives undergo transformation by bacteria, yeast, and sometimes fungi. The goal is to make the fruit palatable by reducing bitterness, primarily caused by a compound called oleuropein, while introducing beneficial flavors and preserving the fruit.

The fermentation process typically involves:

  • Natural or spontaneous fermentation: Uses microorganisms naturally present on the fruit’s surface.
  • Inoculated fermentation: Adds selected starter cultures, such as Lactobacillus strains, to ensure consistent fermentation. This method is usually avoided due to increased costs.

2. Types of Fermentation Based on pH

There are two primary types of fermentation in olives based on pH changes during the process:

a) Lactic Acid Fermentation (Anaerobic Fermentation)

This is the most common type of fermentation in olives and primarily involves lactic acid bacteria (LAB) such as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus pentosus, and Lactobacillus brevis.

  • Process: The sugars present in the olive flesh are metabolized into lactic acid under anaerobic (no oxygen) conditions. LAB thrive in environments with minimal oxygen and an increasing acidic pH.

  • pH Changes: Lactic acid fermentation lowers the pH of the brine. As LAB convert sugars into lactic acid, the pH drops from around 6.0-7.0 to about 3.5-4.5, creating an acidic environment that inhibits the growth of spoilage organisms while favoring the growth of LAB. This acidic environment contributes to the olives' characteristic sour taste.

b) Alkaline Fermentation

In some varieties of olives, an alkaline fermentation method is employed, where the brine solution has an initial high pH, often due to the addition of lye (sodium hydroxide).

  • Process: This method is especially common in Spanish-style green olives, where lye is used to partially degrade the skin and leach out oleuropein. After the lye treatment, the olives are rinsed multiple times and placed in a brine to undergo fermentation by LAB. The initial high pH (~11-12) created by lye gradually drops to more neutral levels (~4.5-5.0) as fermentation progresses and lactic acid is produced.

  • pH Changes: The pH starts alkaline due to the presence of lye but gradually decreases during fermentation as the microbial metabolism of sugars produces lactic acid, thereby neutralizing the alkaline environment.

3. Microbial Action in Olive Fermentation: The Role of Lactobacillus

a) Lactobacillus Action and Stages of Fermentation

The dominant microorganism in olive fermentation is the lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus), which metabolizes carbohydrates to produce lactic acid. The fermentation process occurs in three main stages:

  1. Initial Stage: Non-Lactic Microbial Growth:

    • At the beginning of fermentation, various microorganisms, including Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts, and molds, may be present. These microbes help break down oleuropein and other bitter compounds in the olives.
    • Early in the process, the brine often has a higher pH (~6), favoring the growth of enterobacteria and other Gram-negative species. However, as lactic acid builds up, the environment becomes increasingly acidic, selecting for LAB growth.
  2. Intermediate Stage: LAB Proliferation:

    • Lactobacillus pentosus and Lactobacillus plantarum are key players in this stage. These bacteria begin to dominate as the fermentation continues, producing lactic acid and further lowering the pH to levels (~4) that inhibit competing microorganisms.
    • During this phase, the conversion of sugars (glucose and fructose) from the olive flesh into lactic acid takes place, resulting in a rapid pH drop and the characteristic sour taste of fermented olives.
  3. Final Stage: Maturation:

    • Once LAB has sufficiently lowered the pH and consumed available sugars, the fermentation enters the maturation phase, where minimal microbial activity occurs. The olives can remain in brine for extended periods, during which flavors develop, and the olives stabilize.

b) Metabolic Pathways and Biochemical Reactions:

Lactic Acid Production:

  • Lactobacillus species perform homofermentative and heterofermentative fermentation depending on the sugar content in olives. In homofermentative fermentation, glucose is primarily converted into lactic acid via the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway, producing a higher yield of lactic acid and a quicker pH drop.

  • In heterofermentative fermentation, other byproducts like acetic acid, ethanol, and carbon dioxide (CO₂) are produced along with lactic acid. This fermentation process often occurs when sugars such as pentoses (e.g., arabinose, xylose) are present, and the LAB follows the phosphoketolase pathway.

Acetic Acid Formation:

  • The production of small amounts of acetic acid contributes to a sharper, vinegar-like taste in the olives. This is usually a byproduct of heterofermentative LAB activity.

Other Fermentation Byproducts:

  • LAB can also produce volatile compounds like acetaldehyde, diacetyl, and ethanol, contributing to the olives' overall aroma and flavor profile.

4. Chemical Reactions During Olive Fermentation

Olive fermentation involves several critical chemical reactions that alter the fruit's texture, flavor, and nutritional content:

a) Oleuropein Breakdown:

  • Oleuropein, a bitter phenolic compound in raw olives, is hydrolyzed into non-bitter derivatives, mainly elenolic acid, during fermentation. LAB, yeast, and enzymes in the olive itself play a role in degrading oleuropein.
  • In alkaline fermentation, the lye treatment accelerates the degradation of oleuropein before fermentation, while in natural fermentation, this breakdown happens more slowly due to microbial activity.

b) Sugar Conversion to Lactic Acid:

  • Glucose and fructose, the primary sugars in olives, are metabolized into lactic acid, ethanol, acetic acid, and CO₂ by LAB during fermentation. This process lowers the pH and creates a favorable environment for fermentation while giving the olives their characteristic tangy taste.

c) Protein and Amino Acid Breakdown:

  • Proteins in the olive flesh may be broken down into amino acids and other nitrogenous compounds by the action of enzymes from LAB and yeast. These breakdown products can contribute to flavor development and serve as substrates for other microbial metabolic processes.

d) Formation of Phenolic Compounds:

  • Fermentation also leads to the formation of other bioactive compounds, including hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, which are derived from the hydrolysis of oleuropein. These compounds have antioxidant properties and contribute to the health benefits associated with fermented olives.

5. Factors Influencing Fermentation Quality

Several factors influence the outcome of olive fermentation, including:

  • Salt Concentration: Higher salt levels (typically 5-10% w/v) inhibit spoilage microorganisms and help control the fermentation process. However, too much salt can slow LAB activity.
  • Temperature: The optimal temperature range for olive fermentation is 20-25°C. Higher temperatures can lead to spoilage, while lower temperatures slow the process.
  • Oxygen Levels: Lactic acid bacteria require anaerobic conditions for optimal fermentation. If oxygen is present, yeast and mold growth can spoil the batch.
  • Olive Variety: Different olive varieties, such as green olives (Manzanilla, Hojiblanca) and black olives (Kalamata), have different sugar contents, textures, and natural microbial loads, which affect the fermentation process.


Olive fermentation is a complex but fascinating process driven by microbial action, primarily by Lactobacillus species. The type of fermentation—whether lactic acid-based or alkaline—greatly influences the resulting flavor, texture, and nutritional content. Through a series of chemical reactions, including the breakdown of oleuropein and sugar metabolism, olives are transformed into the tangy, flavorful fruits that are enjoyed worldwide. The control of pH, microbial populations, and fermentation conditions ensures that the olives achieve the desired balance of flavor and preservation.
